Android phones nowadays come with a wonderful app pre-installed, called Digital Wellbeing. It shows you how much time you’re spending on your phone. You can also set time limits for individual apps. Overall, quite helpful in managing your screen time. But, there’s a twist!
Where is the app?
Even when it’s already installed on your phone, you have probably never seen it. Why? Because Google doesn’t want you to.
You see, Google makes money by showing you ads. The more you use your phone, the more ads you see, the more money they make. Yes, it’s that simple. Now you understand why the Digital Wellbeing app, which reduces your screen time, is hidden by default.
How do I unhide it?
Search ‘Digital Wellbeing’ in your phone settings. Open Digital Wellbeing from the search results and find the option to show it’s icon on your homescreen. Turn it on. Now you should see Digital Wellbeing in your list of apps.
In case you can’t find it in your phone settings, please check if the app is installed from the Play Store.
Hope this helps!